Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Teaching TOEIC Courses

I first heard about TOEIC in November 2005. It was during the RATE Conference in Bucharest.
When I decided to join this project it did not cross my mind what a rewarding experience it could be.
In December, my company, INFO PROJECT, became an Authorized TOEIC Center and in January IIE Budapest accredited it. My team and me successfully passed the test.
I started the campaign of advertising and now more and more people get interested.
I started to work with a group of young adults using the TOEIC Practice Course being a little bit worried at the beginning.
When you use a totally new teaching tool it is not that easy.
Last week we had the listening practice exercises and this week we started some reading practice.
Because TOEIC consists in testing listening and reading comprehension I have decided to develop the speaking skills of the participants as much as possible.
Todays's topic: Offices and Personnel.
We had very nice long conversations about the content of the course, about them, about their jobs, about their desire to improve their skills in English.
The atmosphere was extremely friendly and at the end they said I had opened their minds and challenged them to learn English; they passed a great time together and at the end they felt relaxed and happy.
They enriched their vocabulary and their grammar knowledge.
As a whole, today’s class was a real success.


Nancy A. McKeand said...

It's always such a wonderful feeling when the class goes well! I'm sure the students got a lot out of the class today and will continue to benefit from it. Congratulations!

ales121212 said...

Mariana, ti-am vizitat blogu' dar cu tine nu ma mai pot intelege recat pe edu_ro_ict; asa ca te astept acolo :-)))